कुकुरहरू कसरी कुरा गर्छन्? तपाईंको घरपालुवा जनावरको शरीरको भाषा
हेरचाह र रखरखाव

कुकुरहरू कसरी कुरा गर्छन्? तपाईंको घरपालुवा जनावरको शरीरको भाषा

Svetlana Safonova, Director of the International Animal Charitable Foundation “Giving Hope” tells.

If you think that dogs talk by barking, then you are deeply mistaken. Indeed, with the help of barking, they convey certain information, but they speak mainly in body language.

Dogs can easily read what a person thinks and feels. Unlike them, we do not know how to quickly understand what another person is conveying to us by assuming a certain pose. We do not have the same sensitivity and ability to receive and transmit information as animals do. And as a result, we often make mistakes for which our pet pays.

Let’s try to understand what the dog wants to tell us. In this article, we will not repeat what has been said more than once about the position of the tail and raised withers. Let’s talk about other, less obvious signals, and what not to do when handling a dog.

How Do Dogs Talk? Your pets body language

  • I don’t like hugging

Dogs don’t like it when we hug them. Not because they don’t like our touch, but because they might be scared.

We think that through the warmth of hugs we convey love, tenderness, care. And dogs can perceive hugs as a threat. Yes Yes. Dogs don’t have arms, they have paws. When they place their front paw on another dog’s back, it indicates their dominance. That is why a dog, especially if it is naturally shy, can be scared to the point of trembling. Without knowing it, we hug and squeeze our pets with both hands on their backs.

Hugs can be perceived by the dog as a demonstration of your superiority over him.

Some dogs tolerate the hugs of their owner, but with their body they show that they are unpleasant. They tense up, turn their heads away and look away, lick their mouths or press their ears to their heads. These are signals that your pet is uncomfortable.

It is better to approach the dog from the side and reward him with active scratches on the chest, on the sides, behind the ears. She will gratefully accept such manifestations of love.

  • I love your things

They put socks on the radiator to dry – in a minute one of them is gone. They hung a T-shirt or underwear on a chair – it was also gone. And your slippers disappeared from the hallway. What kind of thieves appeared in the house?

Not thieves, but your dog. All missing things can be found in its place. And she herself lies on them with her head. Angelic eyes, eyebrows with a house, peace in the whole body.

This is not a sign of bullying, as many dog ​​owners think. This is a manifestation of her reverent attitude towards you.

You are at work or busy with household chores … And your things are saturated with your smell. For a dog, this familiar, favorite smell guarantees peace of mind. So she fits comfortably on your things, as if reminding herself that she is under your protection. This is a signal for you: your dog needs attention.

Under no circumstances should you punish your dog for this! From such your reaction, she will only be frightened and experience even more stress.

When picking up your item, offer your dog a treat, stroke it, and talk to it. Try to find more opportunities during the day to communicate with her. And you can also give her your old sweater – she will always comfort her on the couch!  

How Do Dogs Talk? Your pets body language

  • I am your tail

Many owners complain that the pet follows him around. In the bedroom, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the hallway and back. And so on for several circles a day. You should not get annoyed, because there are reasons for such behavior.

The dog needs to communicate with his master, whom he loves very much. She is pleased not only to walk together, but also just to sit next to her. Or lie down. The most important thing for a dog is to be always close to its owner.

Did you know that close contact releases the hormone oxytocin, which is also called the hormone of happiness, affection, and love? Does your dog follow you with its tail? Congratulations: this is another proof that she loves you!

The second reason for this behavior is that the dog perceives itself as your helper. Making circles with you around the apartment, she keeps order in the house. This is your home patrol.

The third reason is that everything is interesting to her. Yes, dogs are very curious and try to stick their wet nose into everything. Following on your heels, she just wants to understand why you are going somewhere and what you will do.

And it happens that in this way the dog tries to communicate something very important and urgent. For example, that she is sick or that she urgently needs to go outside. In this case, she may whine a little.

  • And can I bury my nose in you?

A dog’s nose can also tell you about his love and affection. The dog rubs its nose against you, pushes it into your palm for you to stroke, presses its muzzle against you, puts its head on its knees, first poking its nose into you. Why?

When a dog rubs its nose against you, through the secretions from the glands, it leaves its scent on you, marks you. The dog marks everything that he considers important. And you, of course, are the most important thing for her!

When a dog nuzzles you, it is signaling that it needs your attention. That she is bored, she wants affection.

A dog remains a child until old age and its habits acquired in childhood will not go anywhere. As a child, the puppy and mother gently touch each other with their noses. And then, in adulthood, the dog continues to remember that it is very pleasant. And gives the same manifestations of love to you.

How Do Dogs Talk? Your pets body language

  • I don’t like hugging, but “kissing” – very much!

If the dog does not like to cuddle, then kissing – very much! Dog kissing is the licking of an object of love or curiosity. If we talk about the relationship between dogs, then licking the muzzle of another dog when meeting is a sign of greeting.

Adult dogs, through licking, try to understand by smell where his friend was and what he was doing. Mothers lick puppies not only for hygiene purposes, but also to show them that everything is in order, that they are nearby.

If a dog greets you with kisses, this is a sure sign that he is happy.

  • I love to lie on your bed

Having crumpled your bedspread, burrowing into it, the dog sniffs comfortably on your double bed. Although there is a soft, comfortable and insanely expensive dog mattress nearby. That’s just the mattress does not have your smell! And the dog wants to feel it regularly. 

The dog lies on your bed out of a desire to be closer to you.

The dog, of course, can be taught not to jump on the bed. Then she will think that the human bed is something special, an obstacle. But it is important to initially prohibit the dog from jumping on the bed and always adhere to this parenting model.

One can write more and more about the signs transmitted by dogs. They use their eyes, nose, whiskers, tongue, ears, lips, teeth, paws, tail, even fur to communicate. And each of them has at least 10 characters. The dog’s stance alone can convey fear, joy, and other very diverse emotions!

Let’s learn to be observant and literate in dealing with our pets. Then the relationship between us will quickly change for the better.

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