डोर्सिनोटाले बोलेका थिए
एक्वैरियम माछा प्रजाति

डोर्सिनोटाले बोलेका थिए

Rasbora Dorsinotata, scientific name Rasbora dorsinotata, belongs to the Cyprinidae family. Rasbora is quite rare in the aquarium hobby, mainly due to the not so bright coloration in comparison with other Rasboras. Nevertheless, it has the same set of advantages as its relatives – unpretentious, easy to maintain and breed, compatible with many other species. May be recommended for beginner aquarists.

डोर्सिनोटाले बोलेका थिए


It comes from Southeast Asia from the territory of northern Thailand and Laos. Found in the Mekong Chao Phraya river basins. Inhabits shallow channels and rivers with dense aquatic vegetation, avoids the main full-flowing channels of large rivers.

संक्षिप्त जानकारी:

  • एक्वैरियम को मात्रा - 80 लिटर बाट।
  • तापमान - 20-25 डिग्री सेल्सियस
  • मान pH — ६.०–७.५
  • पानी कठोरता - नरम (2-12 dGH)
  • सब्सट्रेट प्रकार - कुनै पनि
  • प्रकाश - कुनै पनि
  • खारा पानी - छैन
  • पानी आन्दोलन - मध्यम, बलियो
  • माछाको आकार लगभग 4 सेन्टिमिटर हुन्छ।
  • खाना - कुनै पनि खाना
  • स्वभाव - शान्त
  • 8-10 व्यक्तिहरूको समूहमा राख्दै


Adults reach a length of about 4 cm. The color is light beige with a black stripe running all over the body from head to tail. Fins are translucent. Sexual dimorphism is weakly expressed – females, unlike males, are somewhat larger and have a more rounded abdomen.


Undemanding to the diet look. The aquarium will accept most popular foods of a suitable size. The daily diet, for example, may consist of dry flakes, granules in combination with live or frozen daphnia, bloodworms, artemia.

एक्वैरियमको मर्मत र हेरचाह, व्यवस्था

The optimal tank sizes for a small flock of these fish start at 80 liters. In the design, it is recommended to use a sand and gravel substrate, several snags and hardy plants (anubias, bolbitis, etc.). Since Rasbora Dorsinota comes from flowing waters, the movement of oxen in the aquarium is only welcome.

The fish needs high quality water and does not tolerate its pollution well. To maintain stable conditions, it is necessary to regularly remove organic waste (food remains, excrement), weekly replace part of the water with fresh water by 30–50% of the volume, and monitor the values ​​of the main hydrochemical indicators.

व्यवहार र अनुकूलता

A peaceful schooling fish, compatible with other non-aggressive species of comparable size. The content in the group is at least 8–10 individuals, with a smaller number they can become overly shy.

प्रजनन / प्रजनन

Like most cyprinids, spawning occurs regularly and does not require special conditions to be recreated. The fishes scatter their eggs in the water column and no longer show any parental care, and on occasion they will eat their own offspring. Therefore, in the general aquarium, the survival rate of fry is extremely low, only a few of them will be able to reach adulthood if there are enough dense thickets of small-leaved plants in the design where they could hide.

In order to preserve the whole brood, separate spawning tanks with identical water conditions, with a volume of about 20 liters and equipped with a simple airlift filter with a sponge and a heater, are usually used. No lighting system required. With the onset of the mating season, the eggs are carefully transferred to this aquarium, where the juveniles will be completely safe. The incubation period lasts 18-48 hours depending on the water temperature, after another day they begin to swim freely in search of food. Feed with specialized micro food or brine shrimp nauplii.

माछा रोगहरु

कडा र नम्र माछा। यदि उपयुक्त अवस्थामा राखिएको छ भने, स्वास्थ्य समस्याहरू उत्पन्न हुँदैन। रोगहरू चोटपटक, पहिले नै बिरामी माछासँग सम्पर्कमा वा बासस्थानको महत्त्वपूर्ण बिग्रिएको अवस्थामा देखा पर्दछ (फोहोर एक्वैरियम, खराब खाना, आदि)। एक्वैरियम माछा रोग खण्डमा लक्षण र उपचार बारे थप पढ्नुहोस्।

जवाफ छाड्नुस्