cockerel krataios
एक्वैरियम माछा प्रजाति

cockerel krataios

Betta krataios or Cockerel krataios, scientific name Betta krataios, belongs to the Osphronemidae family. Belongs to the group of fighting fish, famous for their temperament and brightness of color. True, all this does not apply to this species, which largely led to its weak popularity in amateur aquariums.

cockerel krataios


It comes from Southeast Asia from the island of Borneo. It is considered endemic to the lower basin of the Kapuaz River, located in the Indonesian province of West Kalimantan (Kalimantan Barat). Inhabits shallow forest rivers and streams, swampy areas. Little light penetrates through the dense crowns of trees, so the reservoirs have low illumination. Aquatic plants are practically absent, which is compensated by rich dense coastal vegetation. The bottom of the rivers is covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves, branches and other woody structures, pierced by numerous roots. Due to the abundance of plant organic matter, the water acquired a rich brown hue – the result of the release of tannins during decomposition.

संक्षिप्त जानकारी:

  • एक्वैरियम को मात्रा - 40 लिटर बाट।
  • तापमान - 22-28 डिग्री सेल्सियस
  • मान pH — ६.०–७.५
  • पानी कठोरता - 1-5 dGH
  • सब्सट्रेट प्रकार - कुनै पनि
  • प्रकाश - कम
  • खारा पानी - छैन
  • पानी आन्दोलन - थोरै वा होइन
  • माछाको आकार लगभग 4 सेन्टिमिटर हुन्छ।
  • खाना - कुनै पनि खाना
  • स्वभाव - शान्त
  • सामग्री - एकल, जोडी वा समूहमा


This species was identified relatively recently and was previously considered a variety of Betta dimidiata, therefore it is often found on sale under this name. Both fish are really very similar and differ in the shape of the tail. In Betta dimidiata it is larger and rounder.

Adults reach a length of about 4 cm. The fish has an elongated strong body, which is reflected in the scientific name of this species. The word “Krataios” just means “strong, strong.” The coloration is dark gray with turquoise hues on the underside of the head and on the edges of the fins. Sexual dimorphism is weakly expressed. Males, unlike females, have long fin tips.


Omnivorous species, accepts most popular foods designed for aquarium fish. The daily diet may consist of dry flakes, granules, combined with live or frozen artemia, daphnia, bloodworms and similar products.

एक्वैरियमको मर्मत र हेरचाह, व्यवस्था

Recommended aquarium sizes for one or two fish start at 40 liters. Betta krataios is not demanding in terms of design. For example, many breeders, wholesalers, and pet stores often use half-empty tanks, where there is nothing more than equipment. Of course, such an environment is not optimal, so in a home aquarium it is desirable to recreate conditions close to those in which fish live in nature. The main elements of the decor can be a dark substrate, driftwood, thickets of shade-loving aquatic plants, including floating and various decorative items.

If desired, you can add the leaves of some trees, previously soaked in water and placed on the bottom. They are not only part of the design, but also serve as a means of giving the water a composition characteristic of natural reservoirs in the natural habitat due to the release of tannins in the process of decomposition.

The key to successful long-term management is water quality. Accumulation of organic waste and sharp fluctuations in temperature and values ​​of hydrochemical parameters should not be allowed. The stability of water conditions is achieved due to the uninterrupted operation of the equipment, primarily the filtration system, and the regularity of the mandatory maintenance procedures for the aquarium.

व्यवहार र अनुकूलता

Although the Cockerel krataios belongs to the Fighting Fish, it does not have their characteristic behavioral features. This is a peaceful calm species, which large and overly mobile neighbors can intimidate and force out to the periphery of the aquarium. The latter is fraught with malnutrition if the Betta is driven away from the feeder. It is recommended to keep alone, in a pair of male / female, in a community with relatives and together with other non-aggressive fish of a comparable size.

प्रजनन / प्रजनन

In favorable conditions, successful cases of breeding are not rare. Fish have developed an unusual way to protect future offspring. During spawning, the male takes the eggs into his mouth and carries them throughout the entire incubation period, which takes one to two weeks. The breeding process is accompanied by mutual courtship and a “dance of hugs”, during which the fish take root to each other.

माछा रोगहरु

अधिकांश रोगहरूको कारण हिरासतको अनुपयुक्त अवस्था हो। एक स्थिर बासस्थान सफल राख्नको लागि कुञ्जी हुनेछ। रोगको लक्षण देखिएमा, सबै भन्दा पहिले, पानीको गुणस्तर जाँच गर्नुपर्छ र, यदि विचलनहरू फेला परेमा, अवस्था सुधार गर्न उपायहरू लिनुपर्छ। यदि लक्षणहरू जारी रह्यो वा अझ खराब भयो भने, चिकित्सा उपचार आवश्यक हुनेछ। एक्वैरियम माछा रोग खण्डमा लक्षण र उपचार बारे थप पढ्नुहोस्।

जवाफ छाड्नुस्